About Us

About Us

Our Mission: CTSE provides relevant, evidence-based, and accessible educational programs and resources to those seeking to alleviate and reduce the burdens of stress and the negative consequences of trauma.

Contact us at (401)330-0442

Stressful and even traumatic events are part of everyone’s lives. However, how we manage these events, and how others respond to and support us, have an enormous impact on whether we develop long-term distress and maladaptive coping strategies. The Center for Trauma and Stress Education (CTSE)  is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping prevent the possible long-term negative consequences (emotional, psychological, social and biological) that stress and trauma can have if not managed effectively.

At CTSE we seek to provide educational programs that are relevant and accessible to all people who experience significant stress and trauma, and to offer resources to help alleviate the post-traumatic problems that typically follow.  Stress and trauma further affect not only the individual, but also partners, parents, children, and other loved ones, who may become stressed and burdened themselves.

We are a tax-exempt educational organization and thus try to fund our programs as much as possible through the generous donations of concerned people, and also through contracts with businesses, employers, agencies, unions, and others to provide effective educational and skill-based programs that are free (or at significantly reduced fees) for our participants.

The Center for Trauma and Stress Education was established in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a non-profit corporation, “to offer education to help people better understand and manage trauma and stress of all sorts” and qualifies as an exempt organization under section 501 (3) c of the Internal Revenue Code.

Managing Fear & Grief (NEABPD Webinar) with Dr. Alan Fruzzetti

In this hour-long presentation, Dr. Fruzzetti explains how to manage painful emotions such as fear and grief psychologically, and how to use social connection to soothe our emotions and build good relationships..