Domestic Violence

Domestic violence (DV) includes physical, sexual, verbal, and emotional aggression as well as economic and financial abuse. Sadly, approximately 35% of women experience one form of domestic violence or another during their lifetimes. The psychological consequences of the stress and trauma of DV can include increased psychological distress, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, problematic substance use, eating disorders, somatic complaints, and overall lower quality of health.  DV is also linked to increased suicidality, self-harm, affective dysregulation, and problems in subsequent relationships.

Dr. Alan Fruzzetti and colleagues developed a time-limited, no-cost group program for women victims of domestic violence that has been shown to help reduce many of the consequences of DV. Specifically, following the 12-week program, participants reported significantly reduce depression, hopelessness and general psychological distress (Iverson, Shenk & Fruzzetti [2009] Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Women Victims of Domestic Abuse, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice). 

Because this program is a clinical service, we do not offer this program at CTSE.  However, we can train your staff to offer this program in your location. There are no licensing fees for the program, so the only costs are for training and mentoring your staff.

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