Stressful and traumatic events happen to everyone. CTSE is here to help.

The Center for Trauma and Stress Education (CTSE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping address stress and trauma through innovative trainings, programs, and consultation.


Evidence Based & Innovative Trainings

Our complete list of expert trainings:

  1. Conflict Resolution (2 hours)
  2. Building Health Relationships (2 hours)
  3. Navigating Loss: Effective Grieving (2-3 hours)
  4. Building a Resilient Team: Embracing Uncertainty (2 hours)
  5. Addressing Bias, Prejudice, and Discrimination (3 hours)
  6. The Key to Connection: Active Listening (2 hours)
  7. Disaster Recovery: Healing & Hope (3 hours)
  8. Board Building Basics: Creating a Healthy Board (2 hours)
  9. Identifying Misinformation & Judgement (3 hours)
  10. Helping the Helpers: Supporting Caregiving Professionals (2 hours)
  11. Complete STEP (Stress & Trauma Education Program) (6 hours)

Find out more about each training here.

Secondary Trauma, Racism, & Domestic Violence

CTSE provides a variety of educational, guidance, and support programs and consultation to businesses, agencies, institutions, and unions to respond to secondary trauma, racism, domestic violence as well as other traumatic events.  Contact us for details.


“I could not start the weekend without letting you know how wonderful today’s STEP presentation was received.  My email is saturated with social workers who attended virtually and in person about how much they appreciated your work.” 

-Tina Puccio, Director, United Federation of Teachers

“This was what I and our staff needed. STEP opened our eyes to some issues and gave myself and our staff the tools to address them.”  -Principal Jabez Harlan

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